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The Best Chair for Sitting at a Desk All Day

0 Posted on 27. Jun, 2014 by

When you have to sit at a desk all day, you rapidly figure out just how important having the right chair is. The wrong chair makes itself painfully evident — with literal pain! Your lower back, the backs of your knees, or even your neck may start to hurt every day as you come home[…..]

Best Chair for Posture? At A Desk, There’s Just One Setup That Will Work

0 Posted on 27. Jun, 2014 by

There’s a lot of different kinds of ‘good posture.’ If you’re a dancer, it might mean something completely different on and off the stage. If you’re a Beefeater, you’ve got ‘on duty’ and ‘off duty’ posture. If you sit at a desk all day, you need a different set of postural responses when you’re at[…..]

Postulating a ‘Best Chair for Posture’

0 Posted on 27. Jun, 2014 by

Bad posture is an epidemic in modern America, and part of it is because so many Americans spend so much time sitting on their butts. They sit on the couch, they sit in the car, and they sit at work — they do so much sitting that the science of chairs has become a huge[…..]

What Is the Best Chair for Long Hours at the Office?

0 Posted on 27. Jun, 2014 by

There are a lot of Americans who spend so long sitting at their office in front of their computers that many would consider it a form of torture — and they do so voluntarily! The office chair industry has provided a vast number of ergonomic and technological improvements to help make the idea of an[…..]

Is There Such A Thing As A ‘Best’ Chair for Kyphosis?

0 Posted on 27. Jun, 2014 by

In order to answer that question, we should first talk a little bit about kyphosis in general. Technically, the term we want to use here is hyperkyphosis, ‘Kyphosis’ simply refers to ‘the amount to which the upper part of the spine curves forward.’ Everyone has kyphosis; if you don’t and your spine is instead straight[…..]

When Sitting Is a Pain in the Butt: Finding the Best Chair for SI Joint Pain

0 Posted on 27. Jun, 2014 by

Sacroiliac — or SI — joint pain isn’t fun. If you’ve got arthritis of the pelvis, are pregnant and have loose pelvic bones, or have suffered a traumatic accident or infection that affect your SI joint, everyday actions can have a fairly profound effect on your pain. Sitting down or standing up, for example, can[…..]

What Makes the Best Chair for Hip Pain “Best”est?

0 Posted on 27. Jun, 2014 by

When you’ve injured your hip, whether it’s broken from a fall or ‘merely’ severely dislocated and not quite settled, sitting down can be an activity that requires extreme judiciousness. There are a number of reasons why — let’s look at the biggest ones and how the best chair for hip pain will neatly sidestep them:  […..]

The Best Chair for a Home Office — And Why

0 Posted on 27. Jun, 2014 by

When you start looking for the best chair for a home office, you’ve got a lot to keep in mind. The right chair will need to fit your space (both physically and stylistically), it will need to be something you can comfortably sit in all day, and of course it will need to be reasonably[…..]

Is Your Office Chair Your Best Chair? For Good Posture, You’d Better Hope So

0 Posted on 27. Jun, 2014 by

To many in today’s cubicle-farm culture, the notion of ‘good posture’ hearkens back to the Victorian era of extended pinkies and balancing books on your head. But for all of the passé-ness, good posture actually is pretty important to people who suffer from regular lower back pain. If you have a tendency to slouch or[…..]

What Does It Mean to Be The ‘Best Chair for Ergonomics’?

0 Posted on 27. Jun, 2014 by

We’ve spent a lot of time over the past five decades studying ergonomics — that’s the science of an efficient workplace — and we’ve learned quite a bit compared to the Mad Men era. Ergonomics has told us an awful lot about how to configure a workplace so that people sitting in it are as[…..]

The Best Chair For a Bad Back

0 Posted on 27. Jun, 2014 by

When you have a bad back, lots of tasks that other people consider to be downright simple can be painful and hard to navigate. Among them: sitting still. Depending on what kind of ‘bad back’ you have, there are a few different possible solutions, all of them involving some form of chair. Which is the[…..]

Is There A Best Chair for All-Day Sitting?

0 Posted on 27. Jun, 2014 by

As American workers volunteer for more and more overtime and get tasked with ever-greater amounts of paperwork and office time, it becomes rarer and rarer to get a chance to get off your butt and walk around the office. This has turned all-day sitting into a commonplace activity from the cubicle farms of the corporate[…..]

The Consumer’s Guide to Office Chairs for Lower Back Pain

0 Posted on 27. Jun, 2014 by

An overwhelming number of statistics and studies have revealed that anyone who spends any significant amount of time in an office chair each day is risking lower back pain for a variety of different reasons. While the world has yet to come up with an office chair that can completely obliterate back pain, we’ve made[…..]

Is There a Back Pain Treatment That Works for My ‘Cubicle Aches’?

0 Posted on 28. Feb, 2014 by

There are a lot of events in life that cause back pain, from lifting a load incorrectly to a skiing accident. Few of them, however, are as inglorious as the dreaded ‘cubicle ache’ — the numb, pulsing ache you can get in your back after you’ve been locked into what ergonomicists call the ‘neutral position’[…..]

Supplements for back pain

Why Some Supplements for Back Pain Work Well or Totally Useless

0 Posted on 28. Feb, 2014 by

It seems that back pain is like Justin Bieber: you can’t get away from it no matter where in the country you go, but everyone would like to live a life where it never existed in the first place. Back pain treatments number in the tens of thousands, but many of them are either snake[…..]

Herbal Remedies for Back Pain

Herbal Remedies for Back Pain – The most common and uncommon!

0 Posted on 28. Feb, 2014 by

There are a mountain of powerful, all-natural herbs in the world that help the human body heal in a vast number of ways. If your back hurts, for example, there are more herbal remedies for back pain than you can shake a stick at. Here’s just a rough sampling of a few: Common Herbal Remedies[…..]

Alternative Therapies for Back Pain

Alternative Therapies for Back Pain That Work!

0 Posted on 28. Feb, 2014 by

Modern medicine’s ‘therapies’ for back pain amount to invasive surgery for those people who have identifiable conditions like herniated discs and ankylosing spondylosis, and pain-numbing drugs for those who don’t. Both options are expensive and have side effects that are less than pleasant. Is it any wonder people are on the lookout for decent alternative[…..]

Why Choose Natural Back Pain Treatments Over Modern Medicine?

0 Posted on 28. Feb, 2014 by

Modern medicine has made massive advances in some fields over the past few decades. We have dermatologists who literally freeze the fat right off of your body without hurting anything else, optometrists who give you special lenses you only wear at night that keep your eyes working fine all through the day, and gynecologists who[…..]

Treatment for Lower Back Pain

Four Surprising Treatments for Your Lower Back Pain

0 Posted on 12. Feb, 2014 by

There are hundreds of potential causes for lower back pain, and it can be hard to tell what exactly is making your spine hurt. Fortunately, there are some basic things that you’re able to do to eliminate the problem if it’s something simple. We’re talking basics. It’s amazing how many people suffer with lower back[…..]

Does Your Back Pain Chair do THIS?

0 Posted on 12. Feb, 2014 by

The office chair market is drowning in the word ‘ergonomic.’ There isn’t an office chair produced in the world today that isn’t ‘ergonomic’ — yet we’ve seen nothing but an ever-increasing amount of back pain. Chairs that are ‘ergonomic’, in fact the entire science of ‘ergonomics’, have failed us. If you want a serious back[…..]

Remedies for lower back pain

Exotic Remedies for Lower Back Pain (and the Problems They Solve)

0 Posted on 12. Feb, 2014 by

So we talk a lot about the many remedies for lower back pain that are out there, and we often reference a mysterious body of ‘medicines’ or ‘solutions’ that are rarely directly talked about. We thought we’d show off just a few examples of some of the more interesting things that people suggest you can do[…..]

4 Non-Pill Lower Back Pain Relief Products (That Actually Work!)

0 Posted on 11. Feb, 2014 by

You go to a doctor today, and what do you get? A prescription. It seems like most primary care physicians these days are little more than shills for Big Pharma. But every pill comes with side effects — and who wants a lower back pain relief product where the side effects include blindness, the runs,[…..]

The 5 Things The Best Chair for Back Pain Gets Right

0 Posted on 11. Feb, 2014 by

There are a few different companies out there claiming that they make the best chair for back pain. We’re not afraid to say that there’s probably not a single answer that works for everybody — a lot of it depends on what exactly is causing your back to hurt. That said, when it comes to[…..]

5 Crucial Tips to Avoid the Worst Office Chairs for Back Pain

0 Posted on 03. Jan, 2014 by

Have you thought about the best chairs for back pain? How many hours a day do you spend sitting in a chair? Add it up and you would likely be shocked. If you work an eight-hour day, you likely spend most of that time at your desk, in front of a computer, and in a[…..]

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