Hip Pain While Running?
Posted on 17. Apr, 2011 by michael in Hip Pain, Hip Pain, Leg Pain, Leg Pain, Pain Relief, Pain Relief, Video
Michael Greenspan, Neuromuscular Therapist, shows you why hip pain from running or sitting, even radiating down the leg comes from trigger points in hip rotator muscles.
03. Oct, 2012
I have this hip pain for ten days and it started after running.Your video describe it very well but i can’t seem to find exercises for this condition. I really need to start running again. Thank you
03. Oct, 2012
Hi Zor,
sorry to hear about your hip pain running. It’s very common, especially when trigger points form in the hip rotator muscles.
I’m working on specific exercises and self treatment solutions to put on the website.
Stay tuned, I’ll let you know.
04. Oct, 2012
Thank you
i’ll sure be waiting for your video